How to launch, and SSH into a
AWS CentOS 7 x86_x64 with Updates HMV
1. First of all, you'll need access to the AWS console, there is an AWS Free Tier that you are permitted to run certain virtual machines under (usually for study / evaluation).
If you want to use the Free tier or already have an account.
Head to
The regular console is located at.
You will be prompted to sign in with your Username email and a password. You will need to register if you haven't already done so.
Once signed in, you will be greeted with the console. Select the EC2 link. This will take you to the EC2 dashboard where you can begin to launch your instance.
Select Launch Instance button as shown.
You will now be asked to select your AMI (Amazon Machine Image)
Select AWS Marketplace on the left, and perform a search in the search box for CentOS
Expand the CentOS 7 Image, as shown for extra details. Note the "Free Tier Eligible" flag.
$0.00 for software + AWS Usage Fees.
Select this image. Info regarding the Instance Types and cost is provided in a long list. We will be running t2.micro under our Free Tier.
Scroll to the bottom of this screen and click the Continue button.
A Choose Instance Type screen will be presented, ensure that "t2.micro" is selected here. Selecting more powerful images could result in much higher costs so be careful here. Select Review and Launch when satisfied.
The next step is a review of the Instance settings, we will not be making any further changes here, so read through and look at the sections then click "Launch"
Once you've clicked you will be prompted for a key pair, we will generate a new key here, which we will use in our SSH client to connect to the instance when it is up and runnings.
Name the key-pair as shown with a meaningful name. You can include availability zone if you wish or datacentre name, whatever you prefer there.
Once generated, save this .pem file somewhere safe. Do not lose it as you will not be able to connect to your instance without it! Very important.
AWS will then initiate the launch of the instance.
You will be presented with a Launch Status page
You can then go to your Instances on the EC2 dashboard and watch the instance, it should say running / initializing at first.
Give it a meaningful name, by editing the Name tag on the left, you can do this while initializing.
Once up and running you should see something like running / 2/2 checks complete
Ok, now download PuTTY and PuTTYgen from this link if you don't already have them:
PuTTY is a self-contained .exe requiring no installation, but you may use an installer, 64-bit is recommended nowadays as long as your machine supports it.
Run PuTTYgen. This tool will allow us to convert the .PEM file to a PuTTY .ppk file, and generate both a Private and Public key.