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Health Supplements you should be taking

Hello once again! Here is a list of supplements you should likely be taking. Note that this is not medical advice, and some supplements are tolerated better by some people than others due to health / genetic factors. Generally, taking excessive amounts of supplements do not increase benefits, so stick to reasonable dosages. There is some variation between male and female in terms of requirements, I'm more familiar with male physiology and supplementing. There are some supplements I will mention that are not OTC, or are special prescription, which I may or may not take myself, and are not freely available. These supplement types are generally more expensive and less accessible, but I will discuss them also. Ideally you would start supplementing in your mid to late 20's. Most people only discover vitamins/supplements later in life when they begin to feel run-down, and by that point a lot of 'damage' has already been done to your body, which is accelerated with life...

Well, I've been reading a fair bit about Jordan Mechner. Of particular interest is his blog, and his old journals that he has thoughtfully published to help others who may be in the software development field or business. Quite thought-provoking, and an open and honest account which is great to see. Gives you a real insight into the software publishing business, and by chance also into the film business.

I really suggest everyone has a read, and he covers the development of one of my favourite games Prince of Persia (the original) which has recently been re-made as Prince of Persia Classic for the XBox.

Jordan himself is more of an old-school hacker, developing Karateka and POP for the Apple ][. The Apple animations are smooth and convincing, you can see the IBM VGA port tries to replicate this but it just is not as nice in terms of flow. I remember POP being bundled with the original SoundBlaster cards back in the day, as PCs were still making their way from the wilderness with VGA and sound cards which the Amiga and lesser machines had been sporting much better capability for quite some time. Amazing to think the PC has become such a major gaming platform isn't it? Consoles have certainly stuck around and will continue to also dominate this sector.

His journals are here, but do be sure to check out the rest of his site. Amazingly the original Prince of Persia (PoP) source code was lost, and when cleaning up a while ago he rediscovered them in a floppy in a box, and the source has now been recovered, and released by Jordan to the public.


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