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Health Supplements you should be taking

Hello once again! Here is a list of supplements you should likely be taking. Note that this is not medical advice, and some supplements are tolerated better by some people than others due to health / genetic factors. Generally, taking excessive amounts of supplements do not increase benefits, so stick to reasonable dosages. There is some variation between male and female in terms of requirements, I'm more familiar with male physiology and supplementing. There are some supplements I will mention that are not OTC, or are special prescription, which I may or may not take myself, and are not freely available. These supplement types are generally more expensive and less accessible, but I will discuss them also. Ideally you would start supplementing in your mid to late 20's. Most people only discover vitamins/supplements later in life when they begin to feel run-down, and by that point a lot of 'damage' has already been done to your body, which is accelerated with life...

DELL Precision T5400 Fan Noise

Ok, running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit on a DELL Precision T5400. If you're one of the lucky owners of one of these Xeon machines, you know you have a rather interesting (yet heavy) workstation on your hands. If the fan noise is out of control, or your fans are just idling all the time (even worse), you can download SpeedFan 4.47. Go to this site and register: You will then have access to the SpeedFan configs, previously defined by other users. Select DELL as manufacturer and Precision 690 WorkStation as Motherboard. The 690 config will work as with the T5400. You can then adjust your fans to quieten them or make them run. I won't go into a full SpeedFan tutorial here, there is enough documentation on their site etc.

The T5400 is a dual processor capable workstation, and this is the best way to equip it, with the fastest Xeons that you can source. eg. 3.4GHz


Unknown said…
The 3.4ghz cpu does not work on a T5400 the best one that works is the E5450 or X5450 make sure both CPU's have the same stepping if you use 2 CPU's

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