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Health Supplements you should be taking

Hello once again! Here is a list of supplements you should likely be taking. Note that this is not medical advice, and some supplements are tolerated better by some people than others due to health / genetic factors. Generally, taking excessive amounts of supplements do not increase benefits, so stick to reasonable dosages. There is some variation between male and female in terms of requirements, I'm more familiar with male physiology and supplementing. There are some supplements I will mention that are not OTC, or are special prescription, which I may or may not take myself, and are not freely available. These supplement types are generally more expensive and less accessible, but I will discuss them also. Ideally you would start supplementing in your mid to late 20's. Most people only discover vitamins/supplements later in life when they begin to feel run-down, and by that point a lot of 'damage' has already been done to your body, which is accelerated with life...

Using "taskkill" from a Windows command prompt

Taskkill is a useful windows command-line driven tool for shutting down processes in scripts, or manually via the shell. It can be called using a .bat / .cmd or within PowerShell if desired. Here is the usage instruction for the tool in Windows 7 Enterprise.

So for example. You want to shut down all your Internet Explorer instances because it is chewing serious quantities of memory on the system. Sometimes you will note that in Task Manager (under the Processes tab) there are still iexplore.exe processes present that seem orphaned and are not responding to the application shutdown, even though you've closed off all visible windows.

In this case you could click on say, all 20 iexplore.exe processes in Task Manager and individually kill them (time consuming!). It is also a hard kill in Taskman.

An easier way to do this is via taskkill as administrator in a Command prompt. The first kill is a "soft" kill. I will often send it a second one to give the process a chance to exit gracefully. The third command with the "/F" is a force termination to signal the kernel to really kill that process image (or any bearing it's process name) immediately. "/IM" is the Image Name.. full process name expressed in quotes.

Using the /S and probably /U option you can also execute taskkill on remote machines which can prove useful, obviously care must be taken to hit the right processes.


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