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Health Supplements you should be taking

Hello once again! Here is a list of supplements you should likely be taking. Note that this is not medical advice, and some supplements are tolerated better by some people than others due to health / genetic factors. Generally, taking excessive amounts of supplements do not increase benefits, so stick to reasonable dosages. There is some variation between male and female in terms of requirements, I'm more familiar with male physiology and supplementing. There are some supplements I will mention that are not OTC, or are special prescription, which I may or may not take myself, and are not freely available. These supplement types are generally more expensive and less accessible, but I will discuss them also. Ideally you would start supplementing in your mid to late 20's. Most people only discover vitamins/supplements later in life when they begin to feel run-down, and by that point a lot of 'damage' has already been done to your body, which is accelerated with life...

Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) usage

Windows nowadays provides Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC).

This is a useful command-line driven tool. Here are some usage examples under Windows 7 Enterprise x64, and WMIC usage output:


[global switches] The following global switches are available: /NAMESPACE Path for the namespace the alias operate against. /ROLE Path for the role containing the alias definitions. /NODE Servers the alias will operate against. /IMPLEVEL Client impersonation level. /AUTHLEVEL Client authentication level. /LOCALE Language id the client should use. /PRIVILEGES Enable or disable all privileges. /TRACE Outputs debugging information to stderr. /RECORD Logs all input commands and output. /INTERACTIVE Sets or resets the interactive mode. /FAILFAST Sets or resets the FailFast mode. /USER User to be used during the session. /PASSWORD Password to be used for session login. /OUTPUT Specifies the mode for output redirection. /APPEND Specifies the mode for output redirection. /AGGREGATE Sets or resets aggregate mode. /AUTHORITY Specifies the for the connection. /?[:] Usage information. For more information on a specific global switch, type: switch-name /? The following alias/es are available in the current role: ALIAS - Access to the aliases available on the local system BASEBOARD - Base board (also known as a motherboard or system board) management. BIOS - Basic input/output services (BIOS) management. BOOTCONFIG - Boot configuration management. CDROM - CD-ROM management. COMPUTERSYSTEM - Computer system management. CPU - CPU management. CSPRODUCT - Computer system product information from SMBIOS. DATAFILE - DataFile Management. DCOMAPP - DCOM Application management. DESKTOP - User's Desktop management. DESKTOPMONITOR - Desktop Monitor management. DEVICEMEMORYADDRESS - Device memory addresses management. DISKDRIVE - Physical disk drive management. DISKQUOTA - Disk space usage for NTFS volumes. DMACHANNEL - Direct memory access (DMA) channel management. ENVIRONMENT - System environment settings management. FSDIR - Filesystem directory entry management. GROUP - Group account management. IDECONTROLLER - IDE Controller management. IRQ - Interrupt request line (IRQ) management. JOB - Provides access to the jobs scheduled using the schedule service. LOADORDER - Management of system services that define execution dependencies. LOGICALDISK - Local storage device management. LOGON - LOGON Sessions. MEMCACHE - Cache memory management. MEMORYCHIP - Memory chip information. MEMPHYSICAL - Computer system's physical memory management. NETCLIENT - Network Client management. NETLOGIN - Network login information (of a particular user) management. NETPROTOCOL - Protocols (and their network characteristics) management. NETUSE - Active network connection management. NIC - Network Interface Controller (NIC) management. NICCONFIG - Network adapter management. NTDOMAIN - NT Domain management. NTEVENT - Entries in the NT Event Log. NTEVENTLOG - NT eventlog file management. ONBOARDDEVICE - Management of common adapter devices built into the motherboard (system board). OS - Installed Operating System/s management. PAGEFILE - Virtual memory file swapping management. PAGEFILESET - Page file settings management. PARTITION - Management of partitioned areas of a physical disk. PORT - I/O port management. PORTCONNECTOR - Physical connection ports management. PRINTER - Printer device management. PRINTERCONFIG - Printer device configuration management. PRINTJOB - Print job management. PROCESS - Process management. PRODUCT - Installation package task management. QFE - Quick Fix Engineering. QUOTASETTING - Setting information for disk quotas on a volume. RDACCOUNT - Remote Desktop connection permission management. RDNIC - Remote Desktop connection management on a specific network adapter. RDPERMISSIONS - Permissions to a specific Remote Desktop connection. RDTOGGLE - Turning Remote Desktop listener on or off remotely. RECOVEROS - Information that will be gathered from memory when the operating system fails. REGISTRY - Computer system registry management. SCSICONTROLLER - SCSI Controller management. SERVER - Server information management. SERVICE - Service application management. SHADOWCOPY - Shadow copy management. SHADOWSTORAGE - Shadow copy storage area management. SHARE - Shared resource management. SOFTWAREELEMENT - Management of the elements of a software product installed on a system. SOFTWAREFEATURE - Management of software product subsets of SoftwareElement. SOUNDDEV - Sound Device management. STARTUP - Management of commands that run automatically when users log onto the computer system. SYSACCOUNT - System account management. SYSDRIVER - Management of the system driver for a base service. SYSTEMENCLOSURE - Physical system enclosure management. SYSTEMSLOT - Management of physical connection points including ports, slots and peripherals, and proprietary connections points. TAPEDRIVE - Tape drive management. TEMPERATURE - Data management of a temperature sensor (electronic thermometer). TIMEZONE - Time zone data management. UPS - Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) management. USERACCOUNT - User account management. VOLTAGE - Voltage sensor (electronic voltmeter) data management. VOLUME - Local storage volume management. VOLUMEQUOTASETTING - Associates the disk quota setting with a specific disk volume. VOLUMEUSERQUOTA - Per user storage volume quota management. WMISET - WMI service operational parameters management. For more information on a specific alias, type: alias /? CLASS - Escapes to full WMI schema. PATH - Escapes to full WMI object paths. CONTEXT - Displays the state of all the global switches. QUIT/EXIT - Exits the program. For more information on CLASS/PATH/CONTEXT, type: (CLASS | PATH | CONTEXT) /?
Here is a way to dump lots of system detail. These are two .cmd script text files you can make yourself.
Run these for lots of interesting system details. Of course it is possible to fire these commands by other
methods for programming.

>type wmic_bios_get.cmd echo off wmic bios get BiosCharacteristics wmic bios get BuildNumber wmic bios get CodeSet wmic bios get CurrentLanguage wmic bios get Description wmic bios get IdentificationCode wmic bios get InstallDate wmic bios get InstallableLanguages wmic bios get LanguageEdition wmic bios get ListOfLanguages wmic bios get Manufacturer wmic bios get Name wmic bios get OtherTarget OS wmic bios get PrimaryBIOS wmic bios get ReleaseDate wmic bios get SMBIOSBIOSVersion wmic bios get SMBIOSMajorVersion wmic bios get SMBIOSMinorVersion wmic bios get SMBIOSPresent wmic bios get SerialNumber wmic bios get SoftwareElementID wmic bios get SoftwareElementState wmic bios get Status wmic bios get Target OperatingSystem wmic bios get Version >type wmic_computersystem_get.cmd @echo off wmic computersystem get AdminPasswordStatus wmic computersystem get AutomaticResetBootOption wmic computersystem get AutomaticResetCapability wmic computersystem get BootOptionOnLimit wmic computersystem get BootOptionOnWatchDog wmic computersystem get BootROMSupported wmic computersystem get BootupState wmic computersystem get Caption wmic computersystem get ChassisBootupState wmic computersystem get CreationClassName wmic computersystem get CurrentTimeZone wmic computersystem get DaylightInEffect wmic computersystem get Description wmic computersystem get Domain wmic computersystem get DomainRole wmic computersystem get EnableDaylightSavingsTime wmic computersystem get FrontPanelResetStatus wmic computersystem get InfraredSupported wmic computersystem get InitialLoadInfo wmic computersystem get InstallDate wmic computersystem get KeyboardPasswordStatus wmic computersystem get LastLoadInfo wmic computersystem get Manufacturer wmic computersystem get Model wmic computersystem get Name wmic computersystem get NameFormat wmic computersystem get NetworkServerModeEnabled wmic computersystem get NumberOfProcessors wmic computersystem get OEMStringArray wmic computersystem get PartOfDomain wmic computersystem get PauseAfterReset wmic computersystem get PowerManagementCapabilities wmic computersystem get PowerManagementSupported wmic computersystem get PowerOnPasswordStatus wmic computersystem get PowerState wmic computersystem get PowerSupplyState wmic computersystem get PrimaryOwnerContact wmic computersystem get PrimaryOwnerName wmic computersystem get ResetCapability wmic computersystem get ResetCount wmic computersystem get ResetLimit wmic computersystem get Roles wmic computersystem get Status wmic computersystem get SupportContactDescription wmic computersystem get SystemStartupDelay wmic computersystem get SystemStartupOptions wmic computersystem get SystemStartupSetting wmic computersystem get SystemType wmic computersystem get ThermalState wmic computersystem get TotalPhysicalMemory wmic computersystem get UserName wmic computersystem get WakeUpType wmic computersystem get Workgroup


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